Live painting on Guildford High Street

This week I am creating a brand new painting in the front window of Art and Grind, live for the people of Guildford to see. I have just completed day 2 of my week-long residency, and I have thoroughly enjoyed having conversations with onlookers. Many have said they plan to stop by every few days to see the evolution of the painting unfold.

The Inspiration Behind the Project

Every painting has a story, and this one carries a particularly important message. The artwork I am creating this week will feature a bee, a small yet vital creature essential to our ecosystem. Bees are pollinators, and without them, our natural world would struggle to thrive. By highlighting their beauty and importance through art, I hope to raise awareness and inspire action. I encourage everyone to learn more about how we can contribute to protecting these essential creatures. One significant way to get involved is by supporting Surrey Wildlife Trust's campaigns, which focus on preserving and nurturing our local wildlife.

You can learn more about the Save Surrey’s Nature campaign here.

Watch the journey

I encourage you to stop by Art and Grind throughout the week to watch the progress of the painting. Whether you're an art enthusiast or simply curious, this is a fantastic opportunity to see art in action. Feel free to ask questions, share your thoughts, or just enjoy the ambiance of creativity.

The design, created using Procreate

The design

As with most of my canvases, I used Procreate to create the design digitally. This allows me to plan in layers, similar to how I build up a canvas using layers of texture paste, gesso, acrylics, inks, spray paints, and oils. I enjoy embedding small items into my canvases- to reference the cafe itself, I chose to embed coffee sticks into the canvas itself to add even more texture.

About Art and Grind

For those who might be new to our space, Art and Grind is more than just a cafe. It is a vibrant hub for artists and the community, offering a cozy cafe environment where creativity meets relaxation. Their mission is to support local artists and provide a welcoming space for art lovers to gather, learn, and be inspired. My work is on display until 18th August, so please stop by to have a look!

My workspace is a little cramped for such a wide canvas, but I’m making it work!


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